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FormlyBasic is 100% free for personal & commercial use!
Using Formly is 100% free for personal and commercial use. However, you are strictly prohibited from copying, editing, replicating, reselling or modifying the script file. We expect you to use this solution as is. Any issues arising from custom modifications to the source code will not be encouraged nor supported.
No sign up needed!
Perfect for agencies and freelancers
Unlimited projects
All Pro-only features forever
Form memory
Country + calling code dropdown
Clickable progress indicatorsNEW
Customisable disable statesNEW
FormlyUI components NEW
Delete hidden inputs from form submission NEW
Query params NEW
Dedicated Slack channel + same day support
Feature request wishlist
Upgrade to this plan
Perfect if you're just starting out
Unlimited projects
All Pro-only features forever
Form memory
Country + calling code dropdown
Clickable progress indicatorsNEW
Customisable disable statesNEW
FormlyUI components NEW
Delete hidden inputs from form submission NEW
Query params NEW
Slack support