Weighted Quiz

Assign a specific weight to each option in your quiz, and display the outcome based on the cumulative total of these weights.

Additional code/setup

Add these scripts before the </body> tag

<!-- Call Code Select Script-->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/tom-select@2.2.2/dist/js/tom-select.complete.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/videsigns/webflow-tools@latest/countrycode.js"> </script>

Add a select input

Add a 'select' element, add 1 choice with the placeholder text and set the value as empty.

You add powerups to this select element.


Weighted Quiz

Utilize this feature to assign a numerical weight to each Radio Button option. The final total value will dictate the specific Div Block displayed.

To enable weighted quiz, add this to your Form element.

Custom <div> attributes


1. To guarantee the functionality of this feature, utilizing Radio Buttons is essential.

2. Within each question, the radio group name should remain consistent, yet each option should carry a distinct values.

3. This methodology ensures the uniqueness of each question and restricts users to a single option selection per question

You do not need FormlyLogic for this.

Radio Button Attribute

For each radio button, you need to give an attribute called 'data-selected' with a number you choose. This number is your weight.

Ensure your weight is expressed as an integer. You can use both negative (-1) and positive values (1).
Custom <div> attributes

Result Div attribute

You can show a Result Div based on the total of the weights from the options the user picks.

For example, if you have 3 questions and each has 2 options with weights 0 and 1, the total weights can be 0, 1, 2, or 3.

So, you can have 4 Result Divs, one for each possible total value.
Custom <div> attributes

Multiple Sum Values to Same Div

You can let many total values show the same final result, making your result section simpler. Use the vertical bar ( | ) to separate the different total values.

For example: 4|5|6|7

To turn on this weighted range feature, add this attribute to the Form element.
Custom <div> attributes

Result Div attribute

You can group many total values to show one Result Div. For example, with 5 questions, each having 2 options with weights 0 and 1, the total weights can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.

You can set it up like this:

Show Div 1 if the user's total is 0, 1, or 2.
Show Div 2 if the user's total is 3 or 4.
Show Div 3 if the user's total is 5.
Custom <div> attributes
Custom <div> attributes
Custom <div> attributes

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